Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Teletalk Internet Offer 2024 | {Updated} 2GB 17 Tk 15Days, (এখানে দেখুন)

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Dear teletalk sim users, Today I am showing Teletalk Internet offer 2024 This internet package will have all Teletalk intranet packages, Teletalk Bangladesh Limited is Bahasa Brand Name 2 Teletalk 2 Only State-Jainad GSM, 3C, Lot based mobile Phone Operator In Bangladesh now see all Teletalk new internet offer 2024. Teletalk SIM is divided into many parts. I will share the offers of all these SIMs with you like Teletalk Agami SIM, Bornamala Sim: Youth SIM, Oparajita SIM.

    Teletalk Internet offers 2024:

    Welcome to Teletalk internet offer I will present with you a low price internet offer and package That will ease your internet use. you are using teletalk prepaid sim then this offers for you. Stay with us.
    Check Teletalk Bondho SIM Offer 2024
    Internet offerPrice BDT
    And Recharge
    USSD Code Validity
    1GB27 Tk*111*27#7 Days
    1GB49 Tk*111*49#30 Days
    2GB93 Tk*111*93#30 Days
    3GB44 Tk*111*44#5 Days
    3GB66 Tk*111*66#10 Days
    10GB97 Tk*111*97# 10 Days
    25 GB198 Tk*111*198#10 Days
    30 GB344 Tk*111*344#30 Days

    Teletalk Internet Package 2024:

    Teletalk Bangladesh Limited (Bengali:টেলিটক) is the only state-owned GSM, 3 G, LTE-based mobile phone operator in Bangladesh that began operating in 2004. I will show you Teletalk regular internet package, Which they have updated according to the 2024/23 financial year. Now see all Teletalk internet Package
    Internet PackPrice BDT
    And Recharge
    USSD CodeValidity
    100 MB 9 Tk*111*501#5 Days
    500 MB25 TK*111*503#30 Days
    1.5 GB39 Tk*111*513#7 Days
    3.5 GB78 Tk*111*511#10 Days
    3 GB 139 Tk*111*531#30 Days
    5 GB201 Tk*111*532#30 Days
    10 GB301 Tk*111*550#30 Days
    20 GB498 Tk*111*552#30 Days
    30 GB649 Tk*111*553#30 Days
    45 GB849 Tk*111*554#30 Days
    Read Teletalk SMS PACK 2024

    You can avail of your desired data pack through any of the following methods:

    • Recharge exactly the given amount.
    • Dial the USSD activation code
    • Write the shortcode in the SMS option and send it to 111

    Teletalk Bornomala Internet offers 2024:

    We all know that Teletalk, our country's only government mobile operator, has launched this SIM bornomala sim for our country's students. now see all bornomala internet packages 2024. Read More
    Internet PackPrice BDTUSSD CodeValidity
    1 GB24 Tk*111*611#7 Days
    1 GB46 Tk*111*612#30 Days
    2 GB83 Tk*111*613#30 Days
    3 GB62 Tk*111*614#10 Days
    5 GB96 Tk*111*615#15 Days
    10 GB186 Tk*111*616#30 Days
    teletalk internet offer 2020,teletalk internet package 2020,teletalk new internet offer 2020,teletalk mb offer 2020,teletalk internet offer,teletalk internet pack 2020,teletalk internet,teletalk gb offer 2020


    • Unused data will be carried forward if the same data package is availed before the expiration of the existing Teletalk Internet Package 2024
    • To subscribe to any data plan, type “subscription code” in the message option and send it to 111. For example, to subscribe weekly 2.5GB 3G Data plan, Type D58 & send to 111.
    • The recharge amount stated in the recharge trigger column will automatically activate the corresponding data pack.
    • After the expiration of the availed data package, the pay-per-use policy will be applied. The pay-per-use data rate is 1 Paisa/15 KB ( for the Oporajita package, 1 Paisa/30 KB).
    • To check the usage of volume bundled package write 'u' and send SMS to 111 (free of charge)  and to know the balance dial *152#
    • Source Teletalk 

    FAQ: Teletalk Internet offer 2024:

    • Question: How can I check TeleTalk account balance?

    • Answer: Teletalk balance check: Dial *152#

    • Question: How can I buy/activate the Teletalk Internet package?

    • Answer: To buy the Teletalk internet package, send SMS to 111.

    • Question: How to stop the Internet inTeletalk?

    • Answer: N/A

    • Question: How can I check Teletalk internet balance?

    • Answer: write U and send to 111 (Free) Read More

    • Question: How can I activate Teletalk 4G?

    • Answer: write 4G and send it to 666.

    • Question: How can I upgrade 4G?

    • Answer: no need to dial any code

    • Question: How can I recharge my TeleTalk scratch card?

    • Answer: To recharge the scratch card dial *151*hidden number#

    • Question: How can I get an emergency Internet balance in Teletalk?

    • Answer: Dial *1122# to get Teletalk emergency balance

    Final Words:

    I just shared the Teletalk Internet offer 2024. If you any questions about this article, then leave a quick reply via the comment box. I'll try my best to give you your answer.
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